Megantara 2016
Hi Hello Hey!
It's me Dara and welcome back to my blog!
It's me Dara and welcome back to my blog!
MEGANTARA is festival of art, literature, and culture who presented by SMAN 3 Bandung. MEGANTARA was held on 10th September 2016 at Bali Field. Bali Field located on Bali street, Bandung, Indonesia.
At 8 am MEGANTARA start parade from kindergarten and students of SMAN 3 Bandung. I think the parade participants from kindergarten is so adorable. It makes me want to bite their chubby cheeks. But I'm not a cannibal, so i only can look at them and said to my friends "OMG! Why they're so cute? I can't handle it!"
The parade was also attended by Reog. Reog is traditional Indonesian dance from east java. Reog is one if the regional culture in Indonesia that still very strong with mystical things. When i saw Reog, the first question that poping in my head is, how the giant mask didn't fall while the giant mask was only arrested by the dancer's teeth?
After we finished parade, i took some pictures with my friends. Pardon my face hehe.
The event started at 11:30. And i started busy with my job. I have to be a photography committee division with a 'committee and sponsorship' sub-division. I meet my friends from junior high school. AND GUESS WHAT? I MEET MY EX BOYFRIEND! Actually we just broke up on the 9th September 2016 at 10:23 pm. So actually I was surprised to see him come to MEGANTARA with his friends. But nevermind. I also meet my kindergarten friends. I mean my bestfriend. Their name is Dival and Raif. But I usually call Dival with 'Aca'. Until now we still play, laught, and traveling together. Our family know each other too. And I assume they're my family. I hope we can be together forever.
Time goes on, visitors constantly arriving until committee close the gate. And when the sky was dark, i was in front of the stage. I'm so lucky. TST performed an awesome theater! It's very meaningful. The story tell us about a javanese village girl who saved her sisters from The Joker who have malicious intent to remove the Indonesian culture. She wasn't alone, she was assisted by someone from the large islands in Indonesia. And in the last part she could save her sisters and Indonesian cultures. The next performance is from The Changcuters! They slay the show! Everybody in the field was jump along the show. They sing so many song. Until I felt pain in my legs, I decided to sit. It was a risky choice, but I was in the front row and it was hard to get out.
I stood up again when the MC says "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome RAN!!". And BOOM! The shouts of the fans was loud, especially from teenage girl fans. Enough for make your ear broken. But for your info, I also included into the 'teenage girl fans' hehehe. So i can make your ear broken. The performance is so amazing. It makes me 'baper'. And I don't know why my ex boyfriend come into my head and makes me sad. But the sad part of me disappear when I saw confetti burst out. It's so amazing!!!!!!!
When the show ended, all committee gather in bangsal. And when I want to go home, I can't found my bag, my camera's bag, and my tripod. I cried because it was a new camera. And fortunately my friend can found my bag, camera's bag and tripod. After that I went to my home and sleep.
And that's all from me! I hope you enjoy my blog! Thankyou and Byeeeeeee!!!!
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