Announcement Text

Hi Hello Hey!
It's me Dara and welcome back to my blog!

My beloved english teacher Mrs. Wiwin give me an assignment that i should make an announcement text. So let's get started!! 

Hi folks! 
I have an important announcement for all of SMAN 3 Bandung who have 2% stuff you should know for school, 3% phone numbers, 5% names, and 90% song lyrics in your brain. That's right we will held a music lovers gathering on saturday, 8 october 2016 at the new hall from 10 am until 3 pm. This event purpose to make all of music lovers in SMAN 3 Bandung knowing each other, sharing an information about music, play games together, sings together, and many more. If you want to come the dress code is colorful.
So what are you waiting for? Come and join us!
For more info you can call 087654321234 or add our line @3musiclovers.

So if you want to see my video in youtube you can click

And that's all from me! I hope you enjoy my blog! Thankyou and Byeeee!!!


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