My Friend's Unforgettable Moment

Hi Hello Hey! It's me Dara and welcome back to my blog! Now, I'm gonna tell you about my friend's unforgettable moment. My friend's name is Hanasalvina. So let's get started!! This morning, when the English class started, my english teacher, bu wiwin, divide our class into nine groups. And I got Hana and Bayu for my group. After that, Bu Wiwin told us to share an unfogettable moment to each other. Next, we must write my friend's unforgettable moment in my blog. So i decided to write Hana's unforgettable moment. 22th of September is a unforgettable moment for Hana. Because 22th of September is her birthday. So she treat her best friends to McDonald. In the school, her best friends are ignored her birthday. She feel so disappointed. After school, she with her best friend, Me, Nadia, Nanette, Asyilla, Qinthara, and the last but not least Rafli, went to McDonald. She paid our meal. But when she paid, me and Nadia told her that they want t...